Wishing all our friends a very Happy Easter. It's a bit cold and rainy here but the sun will come up later. The first photo is of the "Way of the Cross" which we followed on Good Friday to the top of a nearby hill - together with 500 or so other Christians. A very moving experience. And the Easter egg is the only one in Kasulu I'm sure. Thanks to Becky who sent us a "kit" I have managed, with considerable effort, to make an Easter egg. However it was far too hot for the chocolate, and every time I got it out of the fridge it melted in my hand and fell to bits. I just "caught" this photo before the icing ran!
Easter Chicken! |
We have been to the Cathedral this morning, being 'lazy' and only going to one service of 4 hours. This poor chicken spent the service hiding behnd a pot plant, especially while the choirs were singing, and in this picture is being auctioned at the end of the service. Whoever bought it will be having a special Easter lunch.
Yesu amefufuka (Jesus is risen) - the reply is Amefufuka kweli kweli.
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