Helen and Alastair - some background

Helen and Alastair - some background : We have always hoped to return to Africa once more before we're too old (perhaps we already are!). Alastair first went to Africa in 1974 as a junior doctor, working for the Church of Scotland in a small hospital in Transkei, South Africa. I met Alastair there in 1982, were married in 1984 and continued in Transkei until 1988. From there we went to Kenya, as employees of the Church of Scotland, where Alastair ran Chogoria Hospital. We left in 1995, with Alec, Peter and Becky to establish the children's schooling and our work in Britain. Here Alastair found himself as consultant in Breast cancer surgery, and Helen initially trained and worked as a GP before "evolving" to full time ordained ministry. Alec is now married to Ruth, and they have baby Zach; Pete is in his final year of medicine in Edinburgh, and Becky half way through nurse training in Oxford.

The Diocese of Western Tanganyika is a partner of Gloucester diocese. The plan is for Helen to join the teaching staff of the Bible College, teaching those preparing for ministry. Alastair will teach English to the students at the college, as well as doing some surgery at the church-run hospitals, and helping with project management in the Diocese.
We will keep you updated on our plans over the next few months and will greatly value your prayer support. Our current prayer requests - and thanks to God of course - will be posted on the side bar.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

New project - and other updates

 Sorry to all faithful blog readers ( we have 40 - 60 page views a day which is great) - as I've been a bit slow posting news recently. Reasons :
1) It's very hot - by mid afternoon I'm pretty washed out. It's about 33 -35 degrees. The rains will come soon, so it will cool down and the dust will turn to red mud!
2) New Swahili lesssons. Anthony, the Diocesan computer expert, who comes from Kenya, has agreed to come every day for an hour or so to help us with our Swahili. This is so great - he's gentle and patient, and encouraging even when we look blank and talk rubbish! We had reached a bit of a block, and he is just the right person for us. I've started being able to pray aloud in Swahili, getting over a bad lack of confidence, and working on the principle that God will understand whatever!
3) I'm busy at college with the student teaching and my women's English class, as well as lots of admin.

I will update more often - but would love to write about things you may be interested in... please email or post ideas for subjects, or questions about life here that you'd like me to answer.

New college chapel
Students James and Honcha helping.
 The new chapel : St Barnabas church have sent us a very generous donation from their mission giving, and we are using it to build a chapel in college. There has never been a chapel, so we have our daily worship in the Cathedral. This will give a real sense of fellowship and of God's presence within the College site. We will open at the beginning of November, after our half term break. St Barnabas readers  - thank you SO much; it's a wonderful gift.
Family news : Pete and Cat announced their engagement last weekend. We're thrilled for them, and it seems we'll be home for the wedding next Summer. And our grandson Zach is 1 today! It's at times like this that we feel very far from home, and despite all that is good here we have our home sick moments.

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