Difficult questions! |
It's the beginning of exams for our students, and today 35 of them are sitting an external exam in Bible Knowledge. I have been teaching extra revision classes for 2 weeks, but because it is in English they are really struggling. Exams will continue all through next week, and as 'Academic Dean' its my responsibility to organise everything : buying paper, collating exams questions, ensuring discipline, overseeing the invigilation etc. Therefore not much chance yet for thinking about packing for coming home. However by way of relaxation the other day I used all my scraps of African fabric to cut out a decade's worth of jolly jam pot covers to bring home!
Successful surgery |
From Alastair: I am tailing down my surgery commitments as we get ready to
leave. I have one list only
next week, and have been looking back over the last two years work. About 700 operations, 40% of them major. Shunga hospital, where I have worked
consistently with Dr Henry Ndege, has the biggest operation total, but operations by me have dwindled to
almost nothing as Dr Ndege has grown in confidence and competence. My visits there are now usually for support and
encouragement rather than operating.
Our patient whose femur I repaired by inserting a motorcycle throttle rod was
delighted to have his picture taken standing happily on the injured leg - now healed,
and with the rod out.
have also worked a lot with Sister Saba at Kabanga hospital. She is a nun,
qualified as a doctor a few years ago. She is very able, good as a surgeon, and
has increased her range of operations.
On 30th May, Shunga village sees the celebration of 100
years since the first Christian mission to this area of Tanzania
occasion. We’ll be there with hundreds of others for this wonderful